Relieve Pain and Itch from insect stings and bites

Tag Archives: sea creatures

Jellyfish, Sea Anemones and Coral can sting.

When you take a vacation at the beach, you typically go prepared to deal with the obvious hazards like sun and surf.  The truth is, there are other unseen dangers at the beach you may not think of, but you should!   Therapik is an easy to carry effective way of dealing with painful and itchy stings from sea creatures.  Never leave home without it!You will see a lot of hype in the media in relation to a shark attacks, but you’re much more likely to encounter a  jellyfish , sea anemone or coral sting at the beach than a shark bite.  In fact, jellyfish stings are the most common injury sustained by beach goers every year.

Type of Sting and How to Treat

Jellyfish are small, gelatinous creatures with long tentacles that contain nematocysts. The long tentacles trailing from the jellyfish body can discharge thousands of microscopic barbed stingers that release venom into your skin. Jellyfish stings can vary greatly in severity.  Most often they result in immediate pain and red, irritated marks on the skin.  Some jellyfish stings may cause more whole-body (systemic) illness, and in rare cases, jellyfish stings are life-threatening.  Most jellyfish stings get better with home treatment, but severe reactions require emergency medical care.


Quick Instructions on how to use Therapik®
Immediately after the bite or sting, place Therapik® cylindrical opening on the affected area (DO NOT PRESS).

Activate the Therapik® by keeping the large blue button depressed for as long as the heat is bearable on the skin.

The average application time is approximately 30 seconds. If pain persists,Therapik® may be reapplied to the bite or sting until relief is obtained.

Wait 60 seconds between each application to allow skin temperature to return to normal.

Sea anemones and some kinds of coral also contain nematocysts, and stings from anemones or coral are similar to a jellyfish sting. Sea anemones are small creatures that attach themselves to rocks, coral, or even the backs of crabs. They use their flower-like tentacles to catch small marine life, which are paralyzed by the anemone’s venom.

Cure- Therapik

Quick Instructions on how to use Therapik®
Immediately after the bite or sting, place Therapik® cylindrical opening on the affected area (DO NOT PRESS).

Activate the Therapik® by keeping the large blue button depressed for as long as the heat is bearable on the skin.

The average application time is approximately 30 seconds. If pain persists,Therapik® may be reapplied to the bite or sting until relief is obtained.

Wait 60 seconds between each application to allow skin temperature to return to normal.